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OMSU Constitution – 2012
OMSU Constitution – 2012 (download pdf copy)
1. NameThe Organization shall be known as Old Mawuli Students Union hereinafter referred to as “OMSU”. 2. ObjectivesThe objectives of OMSU shall be: 2.1. To provide a forum by which interest in Mawuli School shall be promoted among old students wherever they may be; 2.2. To provide opportunity for old students to make positive contributions towards the development of the School and the enhancement of her influence in society; 2.3. To promote networking and friendship and thereby bind the old students into a unified fellowship for the social well being of all members; 2.4. To uphold the image of Mawuli School; 2.5. To recognize and acknowledge deserving members in various fields of endeavor. 3. Membership3.1. Membership of OMSU shall consist of Ordinary and Honorary Members. 3.2. Ordinary membership shall be open to all former students who were enrolled in Mawuli School for at least two academic years and are registered with OMSU by paying the prescribed annual dues. 3.3. Persons who do not qualify under Clause 3.2 but who have attended the School for at least one academic year may apply to the Executive Council for Ordinary membership. 3.4. Current and former staff and tutors of the School may on application to the Executive Council be eligible for Ordinary membership. 3.5. Honorary members shall be persons who do not fall under Clauses 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4 but who have made substantial contributions to the progress of the School and have been elected by the Executive Council. 4. Organization4.1. OMSU shall be incorporated under the laws of Ghana. 4.2. There shall be a CONGRESS OF OMSU hereinafter referred to as Congress, which shall be the highest decision making body of OMSU. 4.3. There shall be an OMSU EXECUTIVE COUNCIL hereinafter referred to as The Council, which shall be responsible to Congress. 4.4. The Council may approve the establishment of Interest Groups within OMSU. 4.5. Interest Groups may be Year Groups, geographically based groups, or any other group approved by The Council. 4.6. The criteria and conditions for approval of an Interest Group shall be determined by The Council. 4.7. An application for recognition of an Interest Group shall be signed by no less than ten members in good standing. 4.8. Each Interest Group may, with the approval of The Council, make and adopt rules and regulations on its activities not inconsistent with this Constitution. 4.9. The Council may at any time appoint such committees as it considers necessary for any particular purpose. 5. General Meetings5.1. Congress shall meet once every year at a location to be determined by The Council. 5.2. Members of OMSU in good standing are entitled to attend and vote at Congress. 5.3. The General Secretary shall give notice of Congress with an agenda at least 30 days before Congress convenes. 5.4. Quorum for Congress shall be 30 members, of which 10 shall be official representatives of Interest Groups, and no business except that of adjournment shall be conducted without a quorum. 6. Resolutions6.1. A resolution intended for consideration at Congress: 6.1.1. Shall be in writing and signed by the proposer or proposers and one other member of OMSU all of whom must be in good standing; 6.1.2. Shall be submitted to the General Secretary at least thirty days before the date of the Congress at which it is intended to be moved but The Council may admit a resolution notwithstanding that it is submitted after the time limit; 6.2. Any resolution other than a resolution for the amendment of this Constitution shall be passed by a simple majority of members present and voting. 6.3. Any resolution made and passed at Congress shall be binding on all members of OMSU. 7. Annual CongressThe Annual Congress shall: 7.1. Receive reports from The Council for the preceding year; 7.2. Receive and approve the audited accounts of OMSU; 7.3. Elect the Executive Council of OMSU; 7.4. Consider any matters affecting the interests of OMSU; 7.5. Appoint auditors to audit the accounts of OMSU for the following year; 7.6. Transact such other business as may be determined by The Council. 8. Extraordinary General Meetings:8.1. The General Secretary shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting whenever twenty members, at least five of whom are members of Interest Groups request such a meeting by notice in writing addressed to the President containing the reasons for the meeting and the proposed agenda for the meeting. 8.2. The quorum for Extraordinary General Meetings shall be the same as for Congress. 8.3. Where The Council fails to call the Extraordinary General Meeting within twenty-one days of the receipt of the request for such a meeting, the requesting members may convene the Meeting. 9. The Executive Council9.1. The governance of OMSU shall be vested in the OMSU Executive Council, which shall be responsible to Congress. The Council shall consist of the following officers elected by Congress a) President b) Vice President c) General Secretary d) Assistant General Secretary e) Treasurer f) three Executive members, all of whom should not be of the same gender g) The person at the time being the Headmaster of Mawuli School 9.2. Ordinary Members in good standing shall be eligible to hold office. 9.3. The Council shall meet at least twice a year to deliberate on affairs of OMSU. 9.4. The quorum for Council meetings shall be five, and no business except that of adjournment shall be transacted without a quorum. 9.5. The Council may co-opt any member to assist in the performance of its duties except that such a member shall not have a vote at Council meetings. 10. Vacancies10.1. The Council shall fill any vacancy that may occur between one election and the next. 10.2. Any member appointed under 10.1 shall cease to hold office at the next elections but shall be eligible for election at that Congress. 11. Duties of Officers11.1 President The President shall, among other duties: 11.1.1. Be the Chief Executive Officer of OMSU 11.1.2. In conjunction with The Council, ensure the smooth and effective functioning of OMSU at all levels 11.1.3. Preside over all meetings of Congress, Council, or any other general meeting of OMSU at which he may be present 11.1.4. Present an Annual Report of OMSU to Congress. 11.2. The Vice President The Vice President shall: 11.2.1. Act in the absence of the President 11.2.2. Assist the President in the discharge of his duties 11.2.3. Perform any other duties assigned to him by the President. 11.3. The General Secretary The General Secretary shall: 11.3.1. Oversee and supervise the secretariat of OMSU 11.3.2. Subject to such direction as the President may give, be responsible for all correspondence of OMSU 11.3.3. Ensure that minutes of The Council, Congress and all general meetings of OMSU are kept 11.3.4. Maintain records of the activities of OMSU 11.3.5. Keep members informed of activities of OMSU. 11.4. The Assistant Secretary The Assistant Secretary shall: 11.4.1. Assist the General Secretary in the performance of his duties 11.4.2. In the Absence of the General Secretary perform his duties. 11.5. The Treasurer The Treasurer shall: 11.5.1. Keep the books and records of accounts of OMSU 11.5.2. Ensure that the funds of OMSU are maintained in Bank Accounts 11.5.3. Be the custodian of all finances of OMSU 11.5.4. Be the custodian of properties belonging to OMSU 11.5.5. Ensure that the accounts of OMSU are audited not later than thirty days before the date of Congress 11.5.6. Present the annual budget, as approved by The Council, to Congress. 12. Election of Officers12.1. Council members shall hold office for a term of two years and may be re-elected 12.2. Election of Council members shall be held at Congress and shall be by secret ballot 12.3. Only members of OMSU in good standing shall be entitled to vote, propose, nominate, or support the nomination of candidates. 13. Qualification of CandidatesA candidate for election to any position on The Council shall: 13.1. Be a member 13.2. Be paid up for the two years immediately preceding the year of elections 13.3. Belong to at least one Interest Group of OMSU. 14. Nominations of Candidates14.1. The nomination of a candidate shall be made by a member and shall be supported by a minimum of three members from at least three different Interest Groups. 14.2. Nominations of candidates shall open ninety days before Congress and shall remain open for sixty days. 14.3. Where at the expiration of the time prescribed for nominations, only one candidate stands for an executive position, that candidate shall be declared duly elected by the Electoral Officer. 15. Electoral Officer15.1. The Council shall appoint an Electoral Officer within one year of the promulgation of this Constitution. 15.2. The Electoral Officer shall: 15.2.1. Be a member in good standing 15.2.2. Serve for a term of five years and may be reappointed for further terms 15.2.3. Be responsible for the conduct of all elections at Congress 15.2.4. Notify Interest Groups of the opening of nominations and shall indicate on such notices the mode of obtaining and submitting nomination forms 15.2.5. Be the source of communication on all matters relating to elections of OMSU officers. 15.3. The Electoral Officer may co-opt any Member to assist in his duties. 16. FINANCES16.1. Congress shall determine the dues and levies to be paid by Members as it considers appropriate. 16.2. Interest Groups may, in addition to the dues and levies required by Congress, impose such other dues or levies on their members as the Group may determine. 16.3. Interest Groups may collect dues and levies on behalf of The Council and transmit same, together with the list of paid members, to The Council within 30 days of receipt. 16.4. The Council shall ensure that proper accounts are maintained of all monies received or expenses incurred by OMSU. 16.5. The accounts of OMSU shall be audited by qualified and reputable auditors, and shall be submitted together with the auditor’s report to Congress for consideration and approval. 16.6. The financial year of OMSU shall be twelve calendar months beginning from the first day of September each year. 16.7. The Council shall have the power to set up special funds for specific projects, and determine the conditions for withdrawal from the said funds. 16.8. OMSU shall open and operate banking accounts with such banks as The Council may determine 16.9. The signatories to a bank account of OMSU shall be the President, the General Secretary, and the Treasurer, any two of whom shall be sufficient mandate for any transaction. 17. DISCIPLINE17.1. Any conduct that brings Mawuli School or OMSU into disrepute shall be subject to disciplinary action. 17.2. The Council shall have the power, either on its own or by a committee appointed by it, to determine the appropriate sanctions against an offending Member or group ranging from a fine to expulsion from OMSU. 17.3. In all circumstances, however, no disciplinary action shall be taken against a Member unless that Member has been given a hearing. 18. AMENDMENTS18.1. A provision of this constitution may only be amended at Congress or at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose. 18.2. A proposal for amendment may be made by a Member in writing and communicated to the General Secretary at least sixty days before the meeting at which the said amendment is to be moved. 18.3. The General Secretary shall then give notice of the proposed amendment at least thirty days before the meeting at which the amendment is to be moved. 18.4. A proposal to amend a provision of this Constitution shall be decided by secret ballot and shall be carried when at least two-thirds of the votes are cast in favor of the amendment. 18.5. The amendment when carried shall come into force on such date as the meeting shall determine. PROMULGATIONThis Constitution shall come into force on the 25th day of May in the year 2012.